Matthew Bourne's The Red Shoes at Birmingham Hippodrome is glorious

Yet another triumph for New Adventures artistic director Sir Matthew Bourne as he launches the 30th year celebrations of his company with this stunning ballet, now giving world premiere performances.

It is the culmination of his 20-year ambition to bring to the stage the emotional Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale about a pair of red ballet shoes which force their wearer to dance until she dies.

Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger fashioned it into the iconic 1948 film starring Moira Shearer and Anton Walbrook, and now this ballet is sure to be regarded as a visual masterpiece with its brilliant dancing to Bernard Hermann’s music and extraordinary lighting by Paule Constable.

We see glorious action at various locations ranging from Covent Garden to Monte Carlo in the story of love and jealousy.

Legendary ballet company composer Boris Lermontov (Sam Archer) resents composer Julian Craster (Chris Trenfield) being in love with star ballerina Victoria Page because he feels nothing should be allowed to interfere with her artistic talent.

Ashley Shaw dances superbly throughout as the tragic Victoria, and the entire cast thoroughly deserved the cheers and standing ovation from the first night audience.

The set, designed by Lez Brotherston, works brilliantly, with a revolving section which creates front and backstage as well as a bedroom for one scene, and there is breathtaking drama near the end when the front of a huge steam train, lights blaring, bursts through curtains as the tragedy reaches its inevitable climax.

The variety of dancing in this ballet, including ballroom at times, is magnetic and remarkable, with even a Palace of Varieties-style section with a pair of Egyptian sand dancers drawing hoots of laughter then cheers for a spot of hilarious shuffling, ending with one extracting a packet of cigarettes from his pants and lighting up!

Another unusual highlight comes with a spot of clever beach ballet with giant beach balls.

This ballet has just about everything, with superb costumes, too. The Red Shoes dance on to Saturday night – a joyful experience, not to be missed.
